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C1 가스 리파이너리 사업단
Why U.S. Shale Gas Could Emerge From the Pandemic Stronger Than Ever
The past year has been a perfect storm for America’s shale gas companies, on both the domestic and international fronts. Record-setting levels of American gas production and consumption in 2019 masked the fact that the industry was already under siege, as years of insufficient returns pushed investors away from financing new drilling and exploration
US shale producers race for federal permits ahead of presidential election
HOUSTON: Oil producers in the top US shale fields are stockpiling drilling permits on federal land ahead of the November US presidential election, concerned that a win by Democratic candidate Joe Biden could lead to a clamp-down on oilfield activity.
Biden presidency to cast shadow over shale
Mounting pressure from Democratic Party to tackle climate change threatens future of the sector You have 1 free article remaining Subscription benefits Subscribe now for unlimited access or become a Bronze Member for free For queries see our FAQ or contact us The 2020 US presidential contest presents the country’s shale patch with two stark alternatives: continued vitality versus gradual or rapid decline. This is in sharp contrast to the two previous US polls, when the industry had comparatively little to fear from a victory by either the Democratic or Republican candidates.